For today’s post, I’m keeping it short and sweet…Here are just five reasons why the word “sober” is the absolute worst:
- It makes people assume you used to be an alcoholic.
- This makes them think you’ve hit rock bottom and are forced to no longer drink.
- Multiple definitions of the word sober (including subdued in tone or color) implies that this lifestyle is dull and it’s sad you had to stop drinking.
- For these reasons, people are scared to quit drinking due to the stigma.
- Giving up a terrible habit/negative influence should never be sad.
This is why, as much as possible, you won’t see the word “sober” in our posts and articles.
As celebrated quit-lit author Ruby Warrington put it:
“I can drink as much as I like as often as I want. I just don’t want to.”
-Ruby Warrington
When it comes to the term, “sober curious,” which Ruby coined herself, I’m more accepting. I think it acknowledges that anyone can start to wonder what life would be like without alcohol, not just those who clearly need to stop.
BTW – if you are sober curious, read this post all about a 30-day challenge to take a break from booze, Sober (Curious) September!
What’s your take? Is there another word you would use to describe living an alcohol-free lifestyle?
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